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How do I use the tuner?Updated 6 months ago

Just like with any professional guitar, your Loog will need to be tuned when you take it out of the box (and it will also need to be re-tuned periodically). We sell a very convenient Clip-on Tuner, but know that The Loog App has a (free) tuner, too. There's a video in the app explaining how to use it, and you can watch it here.

If you just got a new Loog, we recommend taking a look at this page.

Note: Please make sure you're looking at the correct diagrams; we've included instructions for tuning 3-string and 6-string guitars using our app and instructions to tune 3-string and 6-string guitars with a clip-on tuner. 

You need to go string by string, playing just once. The app and clip-on tuner will let you know if you need to loosen or tighten a string to get to the desired note. Keep loosening and tightening it until the app or tuner lets you know you’re good to go. 👍 

Then, it’s time to start rocking! 😎  🎸 

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